
Federalism is a governance system of self-rule and shared rule. It is a state order, which divides and shares power and authority among the national and the regional units. In a federation, the national government (e.g. Austria/Bund) and the member states (e.g. the Austrian Bundesländer) fulfill certain tasks independently from each other and certain tasks together. In federalism, the member states keep a degree of statehood, but are united in an overarching entity, the federation.

Why Federalism?

Bild von Anna Gamper, University Professor of Public Law, Political and Administrative Science, Innsbruck
Because common good-oriented and cooperative federalism creates vertical separation of powers, offers citizens more opportunities for democratic participation and conveys identity in a globalized world.

Anna Gamper, University Professor of Public Law, Political and Administrative Science, Innsbruck

Bild von Francesco Palermo,
Professor of Comparative Constitutional Law University of Verona
Director - Institute for Comparative Federalism, Eurac Research, Bozen
Because federalism is the most established and effective matrix for managing contemporary complexity.

Francesco Palermo, Professor of Comparative Constitutional Law University of Verona Director - Institute for Comparative Federalism, Eurac Research, Bozen

Bild von Wolfgang Sparer, Leiter des Bildungsconsultings
Because a federal state forms a brand on the outside and an identity on the inside. Society and the economy need both: external glamour and internal meaning.

Wolfgang Sparer, Leiter des Bildungsconsultings

Bild von Cornelia Lass-Flörl, Univ. Prof. Dr. med. univ., Direktorin der Sektion für Hygiene und Medizinische Mikrobiologie, Fachärztin für Hygiene und Mikrobiologie
Because in the COVID-19-crisis, it is particularly important to be able to implement prevention measures that are precisely tailored to the respective region

Cornelia Lass-Flörl, Univ. Prof. Dr. med. univ., Direktorin der Sektion für Hygiene und Medizinische Mikrobiologie, Fachärztin für Hygiene und Mikrobiologie

Bild von Sophia Steinlechner, Kindergarten teacher
Because there must be offerings in elementary education that are tailored to local needs.

Sophia Steinlechner, Kindergarten teacher

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