
Webinar: Migration and the European Union: Multi-Level-Governance as a Solution

Das geplante Webinar beleuchtet Problemfelder sowie Lösungsansätze in Bezug auf Migration. Als Veranstalter fungieren das Institut für Föderalismus, gemeinsam mit dem Ausschuss der Regionen sowie dem Europäischen Parlament. Zahlreiche Autoren des Bandes 133 in der Schriftenreihe werden mit Politikern und EU-Beamten über dieses spannende Thema und die damit verbundenen Herausforderungen diskutieren.

The webinar will highlight problems and possible solutions in relation to migration. The event will be hosted by the Institute for Federalism, in cooperation with the Committee of the Regions (CoR) and the European Parliament. Numerous authors of volume 133 in our publication series will discuss this exciting topic and the associated challenges with politicians and EU officials.

The webinar will be held in Englisch - a brief outline of the topic, the executive summaries of the book (in German and English) and further information about the webinar can be viewed here: 

Webinar: Migration and the European Union: Multi-Level Governance as a Solution (europa.eu)